
Showing posts from July, 2012

powershell - Get the path of the importing script from within a module? -

Is there a way to obtain the path to that script that imports the module from that module? The script module I am writing to load settings from files relative to the import script. I am planning to reuse the module for many projects, so I like if the module can not make any assumption about where it is being imported from. It's a good one, this great module will be rooted as possible, if everything fails, then I might have a caller pass. Unfortunately, I've tried everything the path of the module (this is not imported) Here's a simple demonstration: Test-Relative module.P1 , it has been archived: c: \ test \ Test.psm1 strong>, stored: c: \ test \ mod \ # returns 'c: \ test \ mod' write -host "$ PSScriptRoot: $ PSScriptRoot" $ return 'c: \ test \ mod' # $ MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path's value is 'c: \ test \ mod \ test.psm1' Type - Host "Split Invoicing: $ (Split-path $ MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) ...

vba - automatically close excel userform when change sheet -

I have a user form that automatically appears when a new sheet is created from the pivot table drill Trying to know how to automatically shut down the user, that the user navigates to any other sheet in the workbook. To check the name of that worksheet, workbook code> workbook , which is active and take action accordingly. For example: Private Sub WorkbooksActivate (biweble as an object) If Sh.Name = "Sheet1" and UserForm1.Visible then unload on UserForm1 ending This event is available in the ThisWorkbook module in your Excel workbook. You can read about here. I believe the user will need to be modeless to the user's units.

php - Change Wordpress Post Title Placeholder -

I am creating a custom post type and want to merge placeholder text in the title area of ​​the new post section. Requirements: - This can be for a specific post type only, not for all posts. - This post type can not reflect the name, it should be completely custom text Br> - This is not editable from the WordPress Admin section, the functions within the custom function function can be placed in the .ff file. You can put your snapet in your functions.php function change_default_title ($ title) {$ screen = get_current_screen (); If ('your_custom_post_type' == $ screen- & gt; post_type) {$ title = 'Your custom placeholder text'; } $ Heading; } Add_filter ('enter_title_here', 'change_default_title'); This title should be changed. found here:

Is there a way to detect OS in fish shell akin to the OSTYPE variable in bash? -

Now I'm forced to use the uname to get the operating system name is. But bash has OSTYPE environment variable that is set automatically and I was thinking that something is similar. It seems that the statutory method of executing a conditional code based on the operating system type Using the switch with the uname result remove. See examples: Switch (Single) Case Linux Echo Hi Tux! Case Darwin Echo Hi Hexley! Hi Free Hi! Hi Case! FreeBSD NetBSD DragonFly Hi! The case '*' echo, hi stranger! End

ios - Opening import file for module 'Swift': Permission denied -

As a title show, I am currently experiencing a problem in which I want to add a SWIFT file to my objc The project is trying. Bridging header is generated and as soon as I'm trying to create it, it stops with error: & lt; Unknown & gt ;: 0: Error: Opening Import File for Module 'Swift': Permission denied This happens only with 1 specific project (which is an old app) Which is receiving updates every year or so) A new project can quickly implement the file and create a problem without it. I compared the build to the setting but there was no difference (and the people who were there, there was no error at all). I tried to remove all the data related to swift, let the app be reproduced and that was not working. I have tried to work on both iOS 8 and 8.1, but there is no benefit. I'm currently out of ideas which can cause it and I can not find anything on the stack overflow or in general Google is still about it. The only way I've found and us...

tags - Joomla.32 SEF url and com_tags -

I am using Joomla v3.2 in the com_tags component to include / modify .php file to help me In the URL query, CATID and MITITAD (query modules are created by mod_easycloud, which has been modified too). $ link = 'index.php? Option = com_tags & amp; View = tag & amp; id = '. $ Id '& amp; Itemid = 'JRequest :: getInt ('Itemid'); $ Link = '& Amp; CatId = '. JRequest :: getInt ('catId'); I have also modified the router.ff file to create and parse the correct SEF URL. But when I'm switching to the SEF URL, the Item ID parameter does not work properly with the content cated , but The current menu item is not active. The above functionality is working when I switch back to non-sef url. Try using JRoute :: _ ($ link) as a normal URL Prepares the way to be and the form of the SEF URL affix.

sql - Return NULL values last in an ordered set -

I have a set of values ​​in a temporary table, which I want to use to populate three new columns ( Maximum (case ... END) statement given below) However, I think sometimes in column 1 (or column 1 and column both) NULL values, even if there is a value in column 3. Other values, for example, Col1 = value, Col2 = value, Col3 = I have any NULL values For zero . Source code: SELECT mc.ID, mc.Date, max (case when sv1.row_num = 1 and mc.Date = sv1.Date then sv1. [ Colonel] And as Call 1, Max (when sv1.row_num = 2 and mc.Date = sv1.Date then sv1. [Colonel] end) as Col2, max (case when sv1.row_num = 3 and mc According to date = sv1 (date) [Date]) # from myTable3 as row_num (date)). As by mc.ID = group on sv1, mc.Date SELECT * FROM # Total ID 7, Date Because your values ​​are being shown in that order, and that you use the ROW_NUMBER () function to organize your records (To determine whether a value is located in Col1, Col2, or Col3) change your que...

javascript - Passing parameter via Ajax -

I am working on a project and facing a problem. What is the problem in my code, it can not be detected. Below is my code, do not know why the ajax URL function is not able to obtain the number of ReceivedMessageByIndexNumber.aspx. Thank you. Javascript: received message (1); Function ReceivedMessage (indexNumber) {$ .ajax ({Type: "Post", URL: "Default.aspx / ReceivedMessageByIndexNumber? IndexNumber =" + Indexing, Content Type: "Application / Jason; Charset = UTF-8", Datatype: " Jason ", success: work (reaction) {var data = response.d; for (var i = 0; i & lt; data; langti; i ++) {warning (data [i]);}}, failure : Function (msg) {$ ('# output'). Text (msg);}}); } Default.aspx: [WebMethod] The message barred index number (int text index) received from the public static bull {string connectionString = @ "data Source = localhost; initial catalog = information system; integrated security = true "; (SqlConnection con...

How to handle common classes in App Engine Modules Java in different Modules? -

Currently I'm working on Google App Engine Module . I am referring to how to handle model classes or general classes Before I was using back-end , All code was kept in the project but now with modules I can not find the way to manage the normal code . I find common logic in a separate jar shared by different modules.

racket - how to make predicates function? in scheme -

I am trying to take action on future Datatype definition (define-datatype expression expression? (Num number?)) (Var-exp (var symbol?)) (Zero? -exp (exp1 expression?)) (Diff-exp (exp1 expression?) (Exp2 expression?))) If the argument is # 2 (straight: const-exp 7) then print #t if argument # 2 (struct: var - Exp x) Then print # f (const-exp define? ...) If you help me, then this is respect So my guess is that you are reading and probably use it as your environment . If this is true, you should probably use it here: (define-const-exp? E) (case expression (const-exp ( num) #t) (else #f)) then & gt; (Cost-exp? (Constant-Express 7)) # T & gt; (Consta-exp? (Vir XAP 'X)) #F

c++ - Temp Convert input bulletproofing? -

I am trying to write code which takes a lower limit and a higher limit (in Celsius) and incremental, and a table Shows the conversion in Fahrenheit anyway where I have a problem, it is bulletproofing of input. This is my code int main () {double less limit = 0; Double high limit = 0; Double phase = 0; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Please lower limit, boundary and gt; = 0: 10 \ n \ n"; CIN & gt; & Gt; LOWERLIMIT; While (((Cin> gt; & gt; lower limit)} lower limit and 0; lower limit> 500) {cout & lt; & Lt; "Invalid input! \ N"; Cin.clear (); Cin.ignore (numeric_limits & lt; int & gt; ::), '\ n'); } Cout & lt; & Lt; "Please give it in a higher limit, 10 & gt; range & lt; = 500: 20 \ n \ n"; CIN & gt; & Gt; HighLimit; While (((Cin & gt; & gt; higher limit)) higher limit & lt; = 10 || higher limit> 500) {cout & lt; & Lt; "Invalid input! \ N"; Cin.clear (); Cin...

ruby - redcarpet markdown - execute javascript code -

मुझे tripit / slate का उपयोग करते हुए दस्तावेज बनाया गया है। सभी दस्तावेज़ीकरण सामग्री .md फ़ाइल में है। स्लेट रेडकापेट मार्कडाउन इंजन का उपयोग कर रहा है। अब जब मैंने मार्कडाउन में नीचे & lt; script & gt; टैग डाल दिया है: `` `lt; script & gt; document.write (window._restapiurl); & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; `` इसे & amp; लिफ्ट; स्क्रिप्ट & amp; gt; document.write (window._restapiurl); & lt; / script & gt; html में और यह बयान और टैग में है, इसलिए & lt; script & gt; document.write (window._restapiurl); & lt; / script & gt; पृष्ठ पर प्रस्तुत होगा। स्टेटमेंट एक एपीआई एंडपॉइंट के पथ को प्रिंट करता है। मैं इस कथन को एक पेज पर निष्पादित करना चाहता हूं जिसका अर्थ है कि स्टेटमेंट को एक वैरिएबल window._restapiurl के मान को प्रिंट करना चाहिए। यदि पृष्ठ मैन्युअल के बाद मैं HTML में & lt; script & gt; टैग मैन्युअल रूप से लिखता हूं, तो कथन निष्पादित होगा और एक वैरिएबल के मान को प्रिंट करेगा। अपडेट: कोशिश की :...

linux - Select specific Directory among many Directories -

I am trying to write a shell script that contains thresholds through all the directories under the root directory and containing empty folders Skip the directory "I_AM_Already_Processed" at the leaf level. The original directory is provided as an input for shell script: Structure under the parent directory is shown below (data in the employee directory annually Is divided - Monthly - & gt; Daily - & gt; hourly basis) former> / employee / alert / output / 2014 / 10/08 / hour / actual_file Shell script is trying to figure out which Complaints and s already processed. For example: Let us consider the three hour data of the date: 10/08/2014 1 / USD / alert / output / 2014/10 / 08/2 (Hourly_Nirectory) / real_file + directory_name_ (I_AM_Already_Processed) 2. / US Dollar / Alert / Output / 2014 / 10/08/3 (Hourly_book directory) / Actual_file + directory_with_name (I_AM_Already_Processed) 3. / USD / Alert / Output / 2014 / 10/08 / (horary_directory) / ...

tcp - How can I automate Telnet port checking in Powershell?` -

I am currently trying to put together script which asks AD for computer list still Active, and then all the pingable computers on all pingable computers, the output I am looking for in a specific port is a complete list of Pingable computers in AD, for which I said that Telnet can not be made in port. I have read, but those who are trying to do 'I' just want to see that Telnet connection can be successful without entering Telnet (or automatic to leave Telnet) and Proceed to the next machine to test. My script's advertising and ping-parts are set, I'm settled here. Whatever I tried, he did not do much work in a planned manner. The code for the first part of the script is, if necessary: ​​ Get-ADComputer - Filter * - Searchbase 'DC = Haha, DC = isHey' | $ {Computer name = $ _ Name $ copies = @ {computer name = $ computerName alive = $ incorrect PortOpen = $ false} (test-connection -captainname $ computer name -Type 1-cool) {$ props.Alive = $ true} Net....

multiply text value and display answer jquery -

I am trying to multiply a value that is already generated using jazzery, but a constant value . I have done this when the value is coming from the text box, not just by the span tag. The script below works when taking the value from the textbox Even what I still have: HTML is that file I want to multiply the constant value by & lt; P id = "sum" name = "equip_amount_four" & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; This is what I want to answer the static values ​​of html above jQuery & lt; Script & gt; Var multiplexers = function () {var val1 = parseFloat ($ ('# share'). Val ()) var val2 = .086667 val3 = val1 * val2 || "Invalid number" $ ("# result"). Html (val3.toFixed (2))} $ ("# share"). Key (function () {multilingual share ();}); & Lt; / Script & gt; It looks like there are some mismatched IDs in your HTML: var multiplexers = function () {var val1 = parseFloat ($ ('# sum'). ...

android - iText bytearray not giving a workable output -

I'm very new here so ask if you need more information. I have a piece of code that writes to the SD card. It writes jpegs, and it's giving all the variable KB sizes as you would expect from a PDF full of images. However, when I select them on the tablet then this is 'unable to open the photo', and when I open them on my computer, it does not allow it, so obviously I do not remember some level of corruption. I also tested the image. Length and it is also working in the case of outputs of many different byte sizes. try {InputStream = this.getAssets (). Open ("Birds-40.pdf"); PDF Reader Reader = New PDF Reader (is); (Int i = 0; i & lt; reader.getXrefSize (); i ++) {PDF object pdfobj = reader.getPdfObject (i); If (pdfobj! = Null & pdfobj.isStream ()) {PDF stream stream = (PDF stream) pdfobj; Pdfobact pdfsubtype = stream.get (pdfName.SUBTYPE); If (pdfsubtype! = Null & amp; pdfsubtype.toString (.) Equal (pdfName.IMAGE.toString ())) {byte [imag...

linux - Change filename in the patch OR Editing patch such a way that patch remains valid -

Can we edit the patch in such a way that it is valid even after editing? We have a patch that applies to a source tree, now to support the other platforms which we copy and replace the configuration files, some patches will be identical, but in this New file name should be. In this situation, is there any way to edit patch and keep patch valid? Yes, patch files are text files and can be edited with care if done manually. The file names are in the Hunk header: --- a / filename description +++ b / filename description @@ - X1, L1 + X2, L2 @@ Description (modified date, usually) is ignored, and a b / b is the dummy directories to make b / b , happy to think that the original file is different from the modified one (this is the patch -p1 in 1). Numbers are X1 , X2 are the original and modified line numbers where the hunk starts. L1 and L2 numbers are chuck's original and modified anchor. And it's all! Just change the file name to both +++ and ...

ios - xcode 5.0.2 simulator not reflecting changed in storyboard -

My simulator does not matter, the storyboard is showing, only a white bank screen. I did everything. Reset the simulator. New Downloads Fully installed Mavericks and it still does nothing. I can see all this: the application window is likely to be a root view controller at the end of the application launch. I do not know what to do. I renewed my profiles and certificates. Enabled Developer Mode What can i do Would you please present your notification plus file with the name Projectname-Info .plist and check that the value for the property is the main storyboard file base name set to your storyboardname or not. Downward corners for Info.plist in file inspector Edit the property highlighted in the search and image.

How to write out debug messages in one pane of MySQL Workbench? -

MySQL MS-SQL code (debugging on the necessary backend) ), But I think they have to be converted to "SELECT Messages" in MySQL. But when MySQL is executed in the workspace (in Windows), the output of each SELECT shows in a separate resultset tab, which is in contrast to the "print" statement that output debugging line in the message pane of the SSMMS. Is there any way to show debugging output in a single tab when executed in SQL Workbench? I'm afraid it is not possible with standard equipment at all. Yet one possible method could be to use the UDF (user defined function) that prints a string and calls it with the DO command (which prevents the selection from returning the resultet) such as: select print_string ('Warning'); I have not tried to do this myself. To get you started you can get some ideas for the UDF.

dart double type doesn't allow fixed format -

मैं निम्नलिखित कोड का उत्पादन करता हूं: [v.bankClosingBalance, 0.00]। पहलेवाले ( (मान) = & gt; मान! = नल) और त्रुटि प्राप्त करें: अपवाद: अनचाहे त्रुटि: प्रकार 'डबल' का कोई उपप्रकार नहीं है 'मान' का 'स्ट्रिंग' टाइप करें जो ठीक है क्योंकि यह मुझे इसकी दोहरी बताता है समस्या एक डबल के रूप में है जो मुझे करने में सक्षम होना चाहिए: [v.bankClosingBalance, 0.00]। पहलेवाले ((मान) = & gt; मूल्य! = शून्य) .toStringAsFixed (2) लेकिन यह मुझे त्रुटि देता है: अपवाद: अनचाहे त्रुटि: 'int' प्रकार 'मान' का 'स्ट्रिंग' प्रकार का एक उपप्रकार नहीं है। अगर मैं इसके चारों ओर दोहरी पीढ़ी का उपयोग करता हूं तो यह अभी भी 'डबल' को छोड़कर कहता है। मुझे यहाँ क्या याद आ रही है? मुझे पूरा यकीन है v.bankClosingBalance आपकी अपेक्षाओं को वापस नहीं लौटाता है। मैं इस समस्या को पुन: उत्पन्न नहीं कर पा रहा हूं।

javascript - Fabric js rotate a image after it has been loaded with fabric.Image.fromURL -

I have an image loaded using Fabric Fabric. Image.fromURL fabric.Image fromURL ($ scope.image, function (oImg) {oImg.set ({width: $ scope.imageWidth, height: $ scope.imageHeight, originX: ' Left ', originY:' top ', selectable: false}); canvas .add (oImg); canvas center object; canvas.readerel (); oimg .Sedtoback ();}); What do I have to do now, I have a rotation button on the page where they can rotate this image although I can not modify the image object after I have already loaded it I have tried: oImg.rotate (90) But the OMG is now undefined. Does anyone have any luck with this? First of all, I suggest using the .setAngle method. In front of rotate. But the root of your problem is how you target that specific object. Your OMAG variable is localized to the function that is making objects on the object canvas. So simply setting OIMG into a global variable, you can target that object through a variable name. var rotateThisImage; / * Set it to...

javascript - "JQuery Bottom Content Panel" Load as "hidden" instead of "show" -

I am currently trying to get it: hidden and instead opened To be prepared, the main.js code is already opened below: (function ($) {jQuery (document) .ready (function () {Panel.init (); $ (Document) .on ('click', '.tab-controller', function () {panel.togglePanel ();});}); var panel = {invisible: false, show message: blank, hidden message: Free, Animation Duration: 350, Animation Ezing: 'Linear', Init: function () {}, showpanel: function ($ {'Panel-wrapper') ({Bottom: 0}, Panel Animation, Panel Animating ESSING, Function () {panel.isVisible = true; Panel.UpdateTab Message ();});} , hidePanel: function () {$ ('panel-cover'). ({bottom: - (Panel.getAnimationOffset ()), panel.Animationization period, panel.editization, function () {panel.isVisible = false; Panel.updateTabMessage ();})}}, togglepanel: function () {((this .isvial)? This is hyphen: this.showPanel) ();}, updateTabMessage: function () {if (this.isVisible) {$ ('tab-controller. ...

initialization - The correct way to override an initializer in Swift 1.1 -

itemprop = "text"> It used to work in Xcode 6.1 Beta: class MainViewController: NSViewController {feature override Init () {self.init (nibName: "MainView", bundle: nil)}} I do not compile it after switching to 6.1 GM2. It seems that this issue has been introduced in Swift 1.1. I have tried feature override init? () , feature init? () and override init? () , neither worked. So what is the correct way to override such starters today? is trying to implement init () a non -Functional initial init? (NibName: bundle :) , which is a fuses introduction does not work: If the super.init call fails, you leave it with a non-preliminary example Will not allow Swift. Or is it another way, the result of using a Fizla Starter is an alternative, and you can not use a non-alternative value instead of alternative options. And in the case of Class Initialization and Inheritance, you can not change the option of a non-optional self option. You can only ...

php - Get the Category Name in WordPress - efficient or "bad" code? -

This is a question that is more about code best practices: $ cat_name = get_the_category () [0] - & gt; Name; Instead of doing so with some wars, in some steps: $ cat = get_the_category (); $ Cat_name = $ cat [0] - & gt; Name; Is this considered bad behavior? Or is it problematic in any way? If so, why? Then, my question is about the code, not the result. I can say that it depends on you that you have php set to display a notice , And if you care about the undefined offset notice, here's the problem (IMO), see the beginning of the function: function get_the_category ($ id = false) {$ categories = get_the_terms ($ id , 'category'); If (! $ Ranges || is_wp_error ($ ranges)) $ categories = array (); You can see that if there are no categories or if there is an error, "the law" is empty. Perform a quick test ... & lt ;? Php $ categories = array (); Resonate $ ranges [0] - & gt; Name; get us notice: undefined offset: ...

gradle - Android Studio: "Found item Style/AppBaseTheme more than one time" -

I'm trying to import a project in Android Studio 0.8.9 - I get an error first by saying that The project (.11) is not supported, clicking on the link to fix is ​​now getting the following two errors: Error: found item style / appbase theme more than one time error: work Failed to perform ': merge debug resource' & Gt; C: \ Users \ mrshickadance9 \ AndroidStudioProjects \ testapp \ Res \ values ​​\ styles.xml: Error: found item style / appbase theme more than one time How can I fix it Am I Epbaththeme was duplicated for any reason in Android studio, but when I open the same exact project in Eclipse it is very strange.

c++ - What does *(void **) mean? -

मैंने कार्यक्रम में एक वाक्य देखा शून्य * tmp = ... tmp = * (शून्य **) ptr2; इस वाक्य का क्या मतलब है? टीएमपी = * (शून्य **) ptr2; चलो इसे एक समय में एक कदम उठाते हैं। शून्य * यह संकेतक से शून्य है शून्य यह सूचक-से-पॉइंटर-टू-वायड है। (शून्य * *) ptr2; जो भी ptr2 है, उसे पॉइंटर-टू-पॉइंटर-टू-वाइड में डालें। * (शून्य * *) ptr2; पॉइंटर-टू-पॉइंटर-टू-वायड को दो-संदर्भ दें, पॉइंटर-टू-वायड प्रदान करें। tmp = * (शून्य * *) ptr2; tmp से पॉइंटर-टू-वायड असाइन करें।

wordpress - Open/Access WP Media library from tinymce plugin popup window -

I am creating a tiny buttons plugin for the Wordpress (4) editor. The popup window that opens my button displays a form with many fields. One of them is to select an image inside the WP Media Library. How can I not imagine how to achieve this? If this is not possible, then what would be the best way for a user to select an image stored in a WP Media Library from a Tinx Plugin popup window? FYI, the Tinyes plugin incorporates a shortcode with an image source as a feature. Thank you! I just had a problem and got a solution, so I'm sharing it here. I hope this is not for a long time. You must first encrypt the script to be able to use the WP Add Media button. It's easy, just call such wp_enqueue_media () function: add_action ('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_scripts_styles_admin'); Function enqueue_scripts_styles_admin () {wp_enqueue_media (); } This call ensures that you have the necessary library to use the WP Media Button. Of course you m...

shell - not executing shellscript file porperly using cron -

मुझे शेल स्क्रिप्ट के बारे में प्रश्न है MYIPPADDR = 'ifconfig ppp0 2 & gt; / dev / नल | अजाक '/ inet addr: / {print $ 2}' | Sed 's / addr: //' 'अगर [! -ज "$ MYIPPADDR" - एक "$ MYIPPADDR"! = ""]; जहां MYIPPADDR, मैं अपने पीसी आईपी पता प्राप्त कर रहा हूँ और मैं शर्त लगा रहा हूं कि यह मौसम रिक्त है या रिक्त है और स्क्रिप्ट फ़ाइल जो मैं उपयोग कर रहा हूं कंसोल में ठीक से निष्पादित होती है, लेकिन फिर से निष्पादित होती है फिर क्रॉन्टाब द्वारा इसलिए यह पता नहीं चल पाया कि समस्या कहाँ है क्रॉन एक में चल सकता है बहुत सीमित परिवेश: पाथ बहुत ही बुनियादी है जैसे कि / bin: / usr / bin आपको ifconfig का पूर्ण पथ प्रदान करना है: / usr / sbin / ifconfig (शायद) ध्यान दें कि [! -जब "$ var"] और ["$ var"! = ""] परीक्षण बिल्कुल एक ही बात है।

batch file - How to recursively loop through a directory on a specific filetype? -

I can not get a specific mention of my problem, though it seems that this would be a common problem. I am trying to loop through a batch file in a directory, no matter how deep. What do I have here: for / f "token = * delims =" %% a in ('dir% / s / b * .bat') (If not present then %% a * * echo %% a) Where the DIR is already defined, I am only resonating the files. Obviously this is incorrect because it outputs all files for the first time, then all batch files. It seems that I have any type of * .bat specifier and% DIR% variable but I'm not sure how to do this. for / r% DIR% %% a in (* .bat) ( ...

Can the child documents inherit the Custom URL path of it's parent in Kentico -

I have a situation where my client wants a SEO friendly URL for their documents and these URLs have client documents. Here's an example setup: Route Groups Group 1 (custom url = / groups / Page 2 Group 2 (custom url = / groups / ma / boston / group 2) page 2 Page 4 etc page 1, page 2, page 3 , Pager will have to inherit the custom URL of his parent and may be: / group / ma / salem / group1 / page 1 / group / Ma / salem / group1 / page2 / group / ma / boston / group2 / page2 / sum When I set up a custom URL path, it only affects that document and the child documents remain the same: P> / group / group 2 / page 2 / group / group1 / page1 / group / group1 / page2 / group / group 2 / page 3 Can it be achieved in Kentucky without involving the url parts to modify the tree structure? Is there a way to override the ResolveURL () function, so can I return SEO friendly URL? I'm using Cantt 8.1. Making those documents i...

html - Prevent equal height to dynamic width div from overlaping content below -

Anyone know how to overlap the content below, how can I prevent a similar height of dynamic width? In order to expand the content, Div has to be expanded. @caeth has suggested moving down the div to be given inside the given device, which works: but I am looking for a solution that is not required. Here is the code: & lt; Div class = "holder" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "size" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "shape_outer" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "shape_inner" & gt; Content ... & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; div class = "size_blo" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; ... .holler {display: inline-block; Status: Relative; Width: 50%; } .shape {margin-top: 100%; } .shape_outer {status: absolute; Top: 0; Bottom: 0; Left: 0; Correct: 0; } .shape_inner {background: #ddd; Minimum height: 100%; Width: 100%; } .shape_below {backg...

java - Using Ember with Framework. Doable or a bad idea? -

I am quite new to SPA, and have just started a project where I am frontend in amber, and We are home to the talent for the backend in the Spring Framework (Java) but not much. Does this sound like a bad idea to anyone? Should we just use Spring MVC to make a SEST API, or do I have to dream of my amber? I am unfamiliar with Java and Spring and they are unfamiliar with Amber, so it is difficult to discuss this good thing about what I need to build them. My thinking is that amber handles everything on the UI side, including all dynamic content, I just need an API URL to hit, is it right? I have seen some articles using Springbrabs, with a Groovy / Gray, so it is not certain that Amber gives too much from the box (not that it is a bad thing) or if the fact The target can only be used to use Spring MVC, which is what Amber does to make pure Web service and everything else. How do I just move forward, or looking forward to some direction to ask so that the project can move forward....

linux - Speed-up Bash ID3 to MySQL import -

I have 2 Bash scripts that go through a directory, extract ID3 information for MP3 and they Import tag information into a MySQL DB It takes a lot of time to complete the walk, so I was hoping someone could help me make the script more efficient. The scripts are as follows: track = $ (id3info "$ 1" | grep '^ === TIT2' sed -e 's /.*: // g') ARTIST = $ (id3info "$ 1" | grep '^ === TPE1' | sed -e 's /.*: //g') ALBUM = $ ( Id3info "$ 1" | grep '^ === TALB' | sed -e 's /.*: //g') ALBUMARTIST = $ (id3info "$ 1" | grep '^ === TPE2' | sed - e 's /.*: // g') COLS = '`artist``,` name`, `album`,`' $$ {ARTIST // \ "/ \\\"} '', '' $ To avoid {TRACK / '$'}, avoid $ {string // substrings / replace} "VALS = '" / \ "/ \\\"}' "" '$ {album // \ "/ \\ \ "} '" "' $ {...

rust - error: the type of this value must be known in this context -

I'm writing a simple TCP chat engine to learn the ladder. Use std:: Io :: {TcpListener, TcpStream}; Use std :: io :: {acceptor, listener}; ANIM Streamorisis {SRM (TCPSTream), SLC (UIT, [U8,. 1024]) FN Main () {Hedge = TCPLSToner :: Bind ("", 5555); // Listened to the specified address; mut accept = listener.listen (); Let's (tx, rx) = channel (); Squad (repeat streams: VAC & TC; TCPstream> = VACE :: new (match) RX RCV (SRM (MT stream) => {streams.push (stream)}} SLC ( Lane, Buf) => {stream.write (buf.slice (0, len));}}}}; // Acceptable and processed for the stream in streams.iter (stream) Increase a new task for eachbody for the incoming (stream) {match stream {error (E) => (/) connection failed * /} OK (mute (Stream) = & gt; {// Connection tx.Send succeeded (SRD (stream.clone ()); Let Tx2 = tx.clone (); spawn (proc () {mut buf: [u8, ..1024 ] = [0, ..1024]; loop {let's LAN = (buff); tx ss (buff)}}}}}}}}}} / pre> ...

MySQL can you use LIMIT to return n rows, but then also return any other row whose value matches the nth row? -

After trying an order I am trying to limit the number of rows returning to the top 5 rows, but I This also requires returning all other rows back, which share the same value as the 5th highest value. i.e. Number of traffic tickets 8 7 7 6 4 4 4 3 2 8, 7, 7, 6, 4, 4, 4 should be returned because 4 is the fifth value, and the other 4 are 'tied'. Is it possible to limit such a line in MySQL? Select number from drivers serial number by date DESC LIMIT 5 ????? Is there anything that you can get some queries that are something to gain in MySQL? There are a few ways of using this subquery that it uses IN : From the drivers to select the number in pneumatic (Choose the number of drivers by Numetix Disks Limit 5) 5. You can also use a JOIN : . D drivers from d.NumTickets (Select number from driver command by Numetix Disks Limit 5) d.numTickets = D2.NumTickets on D2

entity framework - Graphdiff is removing entities -

मेरे पास निम्न संस्थाएं हैं: सार्वजनिक वर्ग प्रोफाइल {[आवश्यक] सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग नाम { प्राप्त; सेट; } [आवश्यक] सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग विवरण {get; सेट; } [कुंजी, डाटाबेस जनरेटेड (डाटाबेस जनरेटेडओपेशन। पहचान)] सार्वजनिक इन्ट आईडी {प्राप्त; सेट; } सार्वजनिक IList & lt; कार्यक्षमता & gt; कार्यशीलता {प्राप्त करें; सेट; }} और सार्वजनिक वर्ग की कार्यक्षमता {[आवश्यक] सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग नाम {get; सेट; } [कुंजी, डाटाबेस जनरेटेड (डाटाबेस जनरेटेडओपेशन। पहचान)] सार्वजनिक इन्ट आईडी {प्राप्त; सेट; }} मेरी सेवा पद्धति में, जब मैं निम्नलिखित की कोशिश करता हूं, तो यह डेटाबेस से कार्यात्मकता ऑब्जेक्ट्स को निकाल देता है जो प्रोफ़ाइल की कार्यक्षमता सूची में नहीं हैं: (...) var डेटाबेस कार्यकुशलता = यह। रिपोजिटरी .GetByIds & lt; कार्यक्षमता & gt; (प्रोफाइल। कार्यात्मकताएं। ToIdList ()); profile.Functionalities.Clear (); profile.Functionalities.AddRange (databaseFunctionalities); ((बेसआरिपॉजिटरी) यह। रिपोजिटरी) .UpdateGraph (प्रोफ़ाइल, नक्शा = & gt; नक्शा। ओवनक्लेक्शन (पी...

Trouble with jQuery Slider -

I am getting a slider back button which is working correctly, the slider only throws the child first and it Adds to the end of your parents, nothing special. It seems that when the back button is clicked it does not fade, and until the cycle is complete, the first child is hanging, I am not sure why. I appreciate some help with this one. jsfiddle: setInterval (function () {$ (slider_wrapper_id + ': first'). FadeOut ('fast', function () {$ (this). Next ('div.slide') .FadeIn (.) End (.) AppendTo (slider_wrapper_id);});}, 4000); $ ('Slider-control-forward'). ('Click', function () {$ (slider_wrapper_id + ': first') .FadeOut ('fast', function () {$ (this) .next ('Div.slide'). FadeIn (.) End () AppendTo (slider_wrapper_id);});}); $ ('Slider-control-back'). ($ {Slider_wrapper_id + ': first'}. FadeOut ('fast', function () {$ (this) .last ('Div.slide'). AppendTo (slider_wrapper_id);});}); ...

php - Python script not running on web server -

I am trying to call a Python script from a PHP script. When I run a PHP script in a Linux command prompt, the dragon is executed properly. But when I run a PHP script on a web server, the Python script is not executed. Can anyone tell me why this is so and how can I improve it?

servlets - JavaMail: inline images generated incorrectly -

I've coded down the servlet, which Responds to an email in email format (using javaMail). Browser detects mime type and opens an email app (Microsoft Live in my case) When the response is received "X-Unsent" is set to "1", so when email is opened, edit it and can be sent. Email content is HTML with an image inline when I open the generated email so I can see the content with no problem. But when I enter an address and try to send an email, I get the message "One or more images could not be found, do you want to continue?" I send it anyway and when I check the e-mail recipient's account, the email is received, but instead of being inline in the image, it is attached. It seems that there is something wrong with the way inline images are generated. Any ideas? Safe void doPost (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {response.setContentType ("message / rfc822"); Response.setHead...

Run a Ruby or Python script from iruby or ipython notebook? -

Is there no way to run a Ruby program? I want to run a script instead of putting my code into the iruby notebook console. I think that Eri-Baibi will be equally with Ipython. requirement ./ your_program works well for me

oracle - Installing ODBC Data Source in Windows 7 for MySQL -

In Windows 7, trying to add Odyssey data source so that I can connect crystal reports to my MySQL database. Downloaded and Connector Admin tool has gone - & gt; Data source (ODBC) "Microsoft ODBC for Oracle" is listed in the drivers, but when I try to add it as a user data source, "Oracle ODBC driver For Microsoft Odyssey the setup routine could not be found. Please reinstall the driver. "And" the component was not found in the registry ". Any thoughts that I am doing wrong? Click on the tab for 'System DSN', then click on the 'Add' button of drivers In the list, there should be an option for 'MySQL ODBC 5.1 driver'. Select this option, and proceed from there

html - Apply style to grandparent of the grandchild with specific value -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 25 जवाब मेरे पास निम्न कोड है: & lt; div class = "photos-wrapper" id = "detailphoto" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "छद्म" & gt; & Lt; a href = "# / 123456 /" & gt; निर्धारित कनेक्टर & lt; / a & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div class = "image-wrapper" & gt; & Lt; a href = "#" & gt; & lt; / a & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "सक्रिय" & gt; & Lt; a href = "#" & gt; & lt; / a & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "टिप्पणी" & gt; & Lt; a href = "#" & gt; & lt; / a & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; मैं अपनी सीएसएस शैली को इस प्रथम और मुख्य और div में शामिल करना चाहता हूं, लेकिन ऐसा करने का एकमात्र तरीका पोते की चयनकर्ता यानी और lt; a href = "# / 123456 /" & gt; की पहचान...

Mysql: Select all data between two dates -

I have a mysql table with data connected to the date, each row has data and a date, such as: 2009-06-25 75 2009-07-01 100 2009-07-02 120 I have a mysql query which can be used for all the data between two dates Selects. The question is: Select data from Tbl Date between date and date 2 Date My problem is that I have a date 1 and date 2 Even if there is no data for the day. So my query remembers those dates which are empty between 2009-06-25 and 2009-07-01. Can I add these dates to data as just 0 in some way? You can use a concept that is often referred to as the 'calendar table As a 'How to make Calendar tables in MySQL, there is a good guide to this: - Create some basic features Create table entries (INTEGER); INtsER ints value (0), (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9); - Works for only 100 days, join more entries and select more, FROM (Select '2009-06-25' + INTERVAL ai * 10 + 2 days as a join date Ints b ORDER BY AI...

pkcs#11 - OpenSSL interface with a specific PKCS11 engine binary -

I have a PSSSS 11 library from an HSM and I use OpenSSL to make the keys using the interface with the PKCS 11 library. Certificate you want How can I do without the need to install external third party software besides the PKSS11 binary provided by HSM, HSM and OpenSSL? Based on how much your library is compiled, how compiled it is, and how much compliance with OpenSSL, I believe that you should only "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Openssl engine command , even though I have never used it to add an engine. It sounds like a very good source of information, it talks about some third-party software, but I think that is for testing / troubleshooting (unless you have an EVP, a OpenSSL APIs do not consider third-party software). Starting on page 26, it seems like how to add a PKS11 engine to OpenSSL, there are some comprehensive documents.

Wordpress JSON showing only latest 20 posts of my Wordpress Blog -

I want to create a windows phone application for my WordPress website. For this, I am retrieving JSON from uron - / posts. My problem is that there are only 20 posts in JSON at this URL, how do I get all the posts? I'm using WinRT. You can view the document here Set the query variable number , the post you want, max 100

javascript - Closing json data populated table -

I am trying to delete the existing table in a div and each time the page gets json encoding data Is Do I Have Problems Closing the Table? html: & lt; Div id = "tblcontent" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; jq: var um_getallusers = '& lt; Table class = "table-hover" id = "um" & gt; & Lt; Thead & gt; & Lt; Tr & gt; & Lt; th class = "col-md-1" & gt; Id & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; th class = "col-md-4" & gt; Name & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; th class = "col-md-4" & gt; Username & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; th class = "col-md-3" & gt; & Lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; / Tr & gt; & Lt; / Thead & gt; & Lt; Tbody & gt; '; $ .getJSON ('php / um_getallusers.php', function (DTA) {$ ("# tblContent"). Remove (); // Dell table $ .each (dta, function (index, item) {um_getallusers + = ' & Lt; /...

bpel - Apache ODE - how do i get the process id after the instance is created? -

I have deployed ODE as a web service and my client is communicating through app odd events. Currently, to get the example ID, we are capturing to create examples and inquire all the examples to complete the correlation. It is not very efficient and the number of examples increases, it will be a performance hit, what is the best way to get an example ID immediately after the ODE is prepared as an example of the process. The second issue with the above approach is that if the next work has also been started in the process and the related event is removed by the Ode, we have no way to associate this work with the process ID As long as we do not understand process ID with ID first which can be delayed due to its asynchronous nature? You can assign this value to a response variable (such as for immediate request) and use it to start a correlation set. & lt; Assign & gt; & Lt; Copy & gt; & Lt; To & gt; $ Psalm: PID & lt; / By & gt; & Lt; $ Re...

iphone - Send navigation bar to back and my sidemenu to front - iOS swift -

I'm currently using it as a side menu for my app and it's working great though Whenever I embed a tab object in the navigation controller, and I tap the burger icon, the side menu is not displayed properly: the navigation bar is in front of the side menu, so the side menu is cut. I have tried to use this code, but it throws an issue self.view.sendSubviewToBack (self.navigationController? .navigationbar) How to always send my innovation bar behind my other sub-scenes (like my side menu)? Or is there another way to fix this? Thank you very much for your help. Obviously, the navigation bar will always be visible by default; ? setNavBarTranslucent () {self.navigationController .navigationBar.alpha = 0.1 self.navigationController .navigationBar.setBackgroundImage (UIImage (), forBarMetrics: I sorted the navigation bar in translucent ?? UIBarMetrics .Default) self.navigationController .navigationBar.shadowImage = UIImage () self.navigationController .navigationBar....

webforms - ASP.NET 4.5 Web.config Error -

मेरी वेब। कॉन्फिग फ़ाइल निम्नानुसार संरचित है: & lt;? Xml संस्करण = "1.0" एन्कोडिंग = "यूटीएफ -8"? & Gt; & LT; विन्यास & gt; ... & lt; / कॉन्फ़िगरेशन & gt; उपरोक्त काम करता है। जब मैं एक ऐप सेटिंग्स अनुभाग को निम्न प्रकार से जोड़ने का प्रयास करता हूं: & lt;? Xml version = " 1.0 "एन्कोडिंग =" यूटीएफ -8 "? & Gt; & LT; विन्यास & gt; & LT; appSettings & gt; & Lt; / appSettings & gt; ... & lt; / कॉन्फ़िगरेशन & gt; मुझे निम्न त्रुटि मिलती है : HTTP त्रुटि 500.19 - आंतरिक सर्वर त्रुटि अनुरोधित पृष्ठ तक पहुंचा नहीं जा सकता क्योंकि संबंधित कॉन्फ़िगरेशन डेटा के लिए पृष्ठ अमान्य है। त्रुटि कोड 0x8007000d कॉन्फ़िगर त्रुटि केवल एक तत्व की अनुमति दी गई है यदि मैं & lt; ऐप सेटिंग्स और gt; & lt; / app सेटिंग्स & gt; / code> अनुभाग & lt; configSections & gt; & lt; / configSections & gt; अनुभाग के बाद, यह काम करता है! क्या हो रहा है? आपका त...

how to declare variable in c++ i dont want to define it so it should not consume any memory just declaration? -

When we write int, the compiler gives memory to int, but now I just want to say to the compiler that the variable integer But If it is a global variable, use it extract To make it a pure announcement: extern int a; It will still need to be defined somewhere, if the program uses it. If this is a local variable, you can not declare it without defining it; This will be made when the program will reach the announcement.

ios - Initializing a subclass of an NSManagedObject's subclass -

I have this subcategory generated from NSManagedObject my core data data model Is: @ interface customer: NSManagedObject @property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber * ID; @protecti (nontomic, write) NSString * firstName; @property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * familyName; @end My app's argument defines the subclass of this customer class to give me the expansion of my properties and some methods and to keep them separate The class generated from my data model is led to: @interface ExtCustomer: Customer @ Property (non-nominal, retaining) NSNumber * amendment date; + (Extreme Customer *) Parsezden Data: (NSDT *) JSN data; @end I do not need to keep this code updated, and whatever I want is to use the entire ExtCustomer objects The customer can save the app instead of the object, but only when needed, via the customer data by core data . I tried to immediately ExtCustomer calling init , but this is not possible because it received from NSManagedObject h...

Hide second fieldset in html form using jquery -

मुझे निम्नलिखित संरचना के साथ एक फ़ॉर्म मिला: & lt; form id = "user -प्रफ़ाइल फॉर्म "& gt; & LT; fieldset & gt; .... & lt; / fieldset & gt; & LT; fieldset & gt; .... & lt; / फ़ील्ड & gt; & LT; fieldset & gt; .... & lt; / फ़ील्ड & gt; & LT; fieldset & gt; .... & lt; / फ़ील्ड & gt; & Lt; / प्रपत्र & gt; मैं jquery का उपयोग कर दूसरे फ़ील्डसेट को छुपाने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। मैं उस फ़ील्ड के लिए एक वर्ग जोड़ने के लिए निम्नलिखित jquery कोड की कोशिश की: $ ('# user-profile-form fieldset: nth-child (2)')। AddClass ('test-class '); इसके नीचे भी प्रयास किया गया: $ ('# उपयोगकर्ता-प्रोफ़ाइल-फ़ॉर्म फ़ील्डसेट: nth-child (2)')। Hide () मेरे पास फ़ॉर्म की सीधे पहुंच नहीं है, क्योंकि यह कोड में कहीं और उत्पन्न होता है। मुझे दूसरे फ़ील्डसेट को छुपाने के लिए सिर्फ एक jquery स्क्रिप्ट की आवश्यकता है nthchild काम करना चाहिए, लेकिन मुझे नहीं पता कि यह क्यों काम कर रहा है। ...

javascript - Slick.js and multiple Twitter Bootstrap Modal Windows -

I have multiple modal windows inside and there are slick.js sliders. The problem is that the slider is not visible as it is in any There is no height and you have to wait for some time or click on the bullet to show the image. I got a solution when the model is shown so a size () is added: $ ('.modal'). ('', function (e) {$ ('. Again size ();}) But it only resolves the problem for a modal window's slider If you click on the other modal, the slider will not be visible again. Here is a JS Braal: I managed to work with many of these modal windows with the following: $ ('modal'). ('', function (e) {$ ('Product-Slider'). Crawler ("Setposee", 0);});

Complete Instruction set -

2nâ ???? 1 एन-बिट शब्द की क्षमता वाले मुख्य स्मृति एम के साथ एक काल्पनिक कंप्यूटर पर विचार करें। सीपीयू में एक एन-बिट संचयक एसी और एक (एनएपीई) -बीबी प्रोग्राम काउंटर पीसी है। इसमें दो एन-बिट निर्देशों की एक सूची है जिसमें बाईं ओर बिट्स opcode है और शेष बिट्स का पता एम में पहला निर्देश एसयूबीएस (सिक्वेट एंड स्टोर) कहा जाता है। उप-एक्स निम्नलिखित माइक्रो निर्देशों का कारण बनता है: AC â ???? एसी एम (एक्स) एम (एक्स) एक ???? एसी पीसी + पीसी + 1 दूसरी अनुदेश एक बिना शर्त शाखा जंप एक्स है जो निम्नलिखित ऑपरेशन का कारण बनता है: पीसी ???? एम (एक्स (0: एनएसी 2)) एम में एक शब्द या तो एक निर्देश (एसयूबीएस या जंप) हो सकता है या एक दो अंकों की दोहरी संख्या में एक निश्चित-बिंदु द्विआधारी संख्या हो सकती है। अनौपचारिक रूप से सिद्ध करें कि निम्न आपरेशनों को प्रोग्राम किया जा सकता है: - (ए) मेमोरी डेटा ट्रांसफर एसी एएके ???? एम (एक्स) और एम (एक्स) एक ???? एसी। (बी) अतिरिक्त ऑपरेशन एसी एसी + एम (एक्स) दो के लिए आपको जंप एक्स निर्देश की आवश्यकता नहीं है मेमोरी स्थान रखें, एम (0) कहे...

Java cannot find symbol for my own class -

I know that one hundred thousand times before it has been asked, but I still can not solve my problem. In most of the questions I noticed that the classes that produce many feeds, and environmental variables and weird things such as a beginner can not understand like me. {Class} {class} {class} {} public class test class {public static zero main (string [] args) {/ p> System.out.print (Class1 ); }} (explicitly in the file named ). This gives me an error, saying that is not referring to the symbol class 1 . What's going on in Earth in Java, which is it Class1 ? makes it unable to recognize The compiler thinks that class 1 is a variable that you have not declared what you want possibly system.out.println (class 1. category); or System.out.println (new square ());

How to put/insert multiple yanked/deleted lines in vim -

A simple problem is that I do not have the right terminology for Google when I delete some lines, In the mode: aaa eee fff bbb ccc ddd ggg hhh first from the white space in the 'B' line Press the selection of the end line of $ i And then on the 'D' line below, but when I put them in the slot after 'AA' I get it: I think that the 'E' and 'F' lines pushing down, not out. I can copy / paste it using the mouse in the insert mode, but the mouse is not my friend, so I want to know another way to do this. ; Cq & gt; ; / Code> If you use the source code instead of the correct "visual-line mode" ( V ) mswin.vim , Which should not be done.

How to create structure for Apps to later added for a HMI WPF software -

I am currently creating an HIV software using WPF to control some hardware systems. One of the main goals is to create applications for HMI software which can be installed later. This idea is similar to the iOS app or Android app, where the user can be installed from the app installed. Is there any framework that can be used in WPF to use it? I believe that to use these newly installed apps, it is necessary to create a MANIFEST file for the main HMI software. But what type of file system can be used to display a newly installed app by the main HMI software? /p> I do not think there is a way out of the box to use WPF. I have seen an example of how a WPF application loads executable inside a container (notepad exact). You can make us your HMI App Store with WPF and you have several XE files (your app) that are either added or removed in your display You can. If you need to implement a communication channel between the container and the running app, it can be difficul...

i wanted to add custmised package properties into android xml layout?Here "VerticalMarqueeTextView" is class in my custamised package -

& lt; android.lib.verticalmarqueetextview.VerticalMarqueeTextView एंड्रॉइड: layout_height = "0dp"; उदाहरण: marqueeSpeed ​​= "25"; उदाहरण: textSize = "20dp" उदाहरण: टेक्स्टकॉलोर = "@ एंड्रॉइड: रंग / सफेद" उदाहरण: टेक्स्टस्टाइल = "बोल्ड" उदाहरण: टेक्स्ट = "कुछ पाठ" / & gt; यहाँ "वर्टिकल मेर्किटेक्स्टव्यूव्यू" मेरे डिरिएटेड पैकेज में वर्ग है, मैं उन गुणों को एक्सएमएल लेआउट में प्राप्त करने में सक्षम नहीं हूं इस तरह से प्रयास करें, आशा करें कि यह आपकी समस्या को हल करने में आपकी सहायता करेगा। & lt; android.lib.verticalmarqueetextview .VerticalMarqueeTextView xmlns: उदाहरण = "" एंड्रॉइड: layout_height = "0dp" उदाहरण: marqueeSpeed ​​= "25" उदाहरण: textSize = "20dp" उदाहरण: TextColor = "@ android: color / white" उदाहरण: textStyle = "bold" उदाहरण: टेक्स्ट = "कुछ प...